Thank you!

By O!
Team O! would like to thank the organisation for a wonderful weekend. Everything was arranged so well! We had our own room to work in, we got breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks, drinks and a Sony PS3 with Rockband to play with.

Our team had a great weekend with lots of laughter and not much sleep .. At some moment, right before the presentation we were thinking to ourselves what on earth got into us - crunch time on a Sunday evening!

It was so cool to see the diversity of all the people and game concepts - all in two days! And who would have thought our team with our concept 'happyard' would end up with the last three .. Wow!

Again, heaps of thanks go out to organisation, sponsors and other teams for this great experience and congratulations to the teams of the two selected concepts - they were very nice and have great potential!

- matthijs

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